Help Allies make it possible for children and families to lead lives filled with opportunity and support.  image

Help Allies make it possible for children and families to lead lives filled with opportunity and support.

Help a Family Today!


Your gift helps Allies provide effective and high-quality early education, family strengthening, and foster care and adoption services to children and families across Los Angeles.

See what your gift can do:

$100: Protects a child from going hungry during the pandemic with 40 nutritous meals and snacks

$250: Helps a child who's been abused or neglected by providing 6 weeks of intensive therapy

$500: Sparks the imaginations of 60 preschoolers with an educational field trip to a museum, an aquarium, or an elementary school in their community

$1,000: Breaks the cycle of violence and abuse for 16 families with three months of parenting skills and support groups

$2,500: Provides early intervention for 50 children with semiannual autism screenings, coupled with parent education

$5,000: Keeps children safe by providing counseling for families struggling with domestic violence, substance abuse, and depression

$15,000: Guarantees a classroom of 16 children access to comprehensive, preventative services, including disabilities screenings, dental screenings, and mental health screenings with semiannual autism screenings

$25,000: Unites children with loving families who we'll help provide safe, educationally rich homes and ensure access to developmental screenings, health care, and mental health services


All donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Allies for Every Child's Tax ID (EIN) is 95-4117747.

You may send a donation by check to us at: Allies for Every Child, 5721 W. Slauson Ave., Suite 140, Culver City, CA 90230.

For questions, contact Sierra Climaco at (310) 695-7503 or