You can help families affected by COVID-19 through continued support of Big Hearts of Summer
Though COVID-19 concerns have forced the cancellation of Big Hearts of Summer's physical event, financial contributions are needed now more than ever as families feel the economic impact of lost jobs, closed schools, etc.
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
We hope you will consider supporting with the same generosity as years past, as Big Hearts evolves into an online campaign/virtual event to help Allies continue providing vital services for LA's most vulnerable community members.
We have made necessary modifications to our programs, adhering to health and safety recommendations. Our top priority remains ensuring the well-being of the children and families we serve and we are doing everything we can to help families with basic needs as they feel the immense economic impact of this pandemic.
More details will be available soon regarding updated sponsorship opportunities and virtual ways we will be connecting and engaging with sponsors and donors through this new version of Big Hearts. Thank you for your patience as we navigate these unprecedented times.
We need the support of the community now more than ever and are deeply grateful to our generous donors and advocates. For questions or to learn more about ways you can help, please contact Kristen Mooney at kmooney@alliesforeverychild.org or (310) 695-7923.
Sending wishes of health and safety to you and your families!
In Gratitude,
Big Hearts Planning Committee and Allies for Every Child
Questions? Please contact:
Kristen Mooney, Grants & Special Events Director
(310) 695-7923